Education creates pathways towards equity and justice
Stories on stage and workshop activities offer us new information. Conversations among audiences and community members allow us to engage with perspectives that may be different from our own. We infuse all projects with educational components so that everyone can build a more full and more empathetic understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Community Classes
We teach social justice skills through theatre and storytelling. Past classes have included shadow puppetry, poetry, Theatre for Social Justice, and more.
Youth Programs

We mentor youth to become confident and effective storytellers and leaders. Past youth engagements opportunities have included our Dream Club Internship Program and Theatre for Social Justice Course.

Audience Engagement
We engage audiences with experts, artists, and each other. Our performance projects are supplemented by opportunities to deepen our understanding of social justice topics and continue important conversations through community events. These events include performance talkbacks, book talks, peer panels, community conversations, play development workshops, social justice toolkit workshops, and more.