Ignite Artists
This program fosters artistic collaborations and supports the development of new plays at Fuse. Fuse develops new works in several ways: we support artists from within Fuse as they write and develop new projects, support playwrights from outside of Fuse by producing their original unpublished works, and collaborate with artistic partners to create new works. Ignite Artists provides artists with supportive and unique opportunities to connect with one another and learn from each other. Events under this program include Creative Coffee Hours, Game Nights. Artist Circles, Pitch Nights, and Peer Panels featuring artists.
Events for Artists
Game Nights
Join us for a Game Night in New York City or the Bay Area! Play games, win prizes, connect with local artists like yourself, and learn about upcoming opportunities to get involved with Fuse Theatre.
Ignite Artists Circles
Build creative collaborations! Over Zoom, we we will share our passion projects, offer and receive feedback, and find artistic collaborators. All creative minds welcome, whether you’re prepared to share a project or you’re just looking to connect with other theater artists.
Project Pitch Events
Do you want Fuse Theatre to produce your original project? Each year, we hold a series of events to help artists develop their ideas and pitch their projects to be considered for production at Fuse Theatre. This typically occurs in the Fall or Winter.