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Community Connections (Part 1)

Writer's picture:  Sahar Muhsin Laufman Sahar Muhsin Laufman

Check out this blog below to get a taste of the artists and incredible topics they curate just for you. 

Fuse theatre’s Community Connections Program offers interactive and performance-based education by our partners - by artists for artists. 

We are proud to host an eclectic mix of incredible content that we curate especially for our audience. You! Get ready to learn a thing or two in dynamic workshops. We have invited highly skilled and unique artists to share their perspectives on impactful subjects and inspiring interactive toolkits to best support you in leveling up. 

Our lively emergent dialogues give you a podcast like look behind the scenes of intricate topics of access, power, and artistic forms of liberation. Come and envision a more functional, just and harmonious future with us and our skilled partners. 

“All the world is a lab and I am just experimenting with playful freedom making.” - Sahar Muhsin Laufman  

Get a peak at our current programs. 

Multicultural Competence Play workshop by Sahar Muhsin Laufman 

Multicultural competence may be a long word with a lot of meaning but a simple way to understand it is how to create a sense of dignity and belonging for different people. We are all different. We were raised differently. We have different social economic experiences. We come from different cultures. More often than not when we hurt one another by not honoring these differences we’re doing so because we don’t know better. 

Play as a method of learning does a few things, neurologically you learn quicker, you’re also more likely to remember and retain the information you learn. And it's just more fun. So while multicultural competence might be a complicated term this workshop is not. While the subject of oppression may seem to be a heart heavy one it doesn't have to be. Join our playful exploration of diversity (difference) and inclusion (belonging).

Keep your finger on the pulse and go beyond narratives of oppositional hate, watch our Emergent Dialogue on Ritual in Action, an Israel and Palestinian focused talk on processes of liberation. This talk will definitely bring you up to date as well as give you a historical look at the current conflict, it then explores among other liberatory focuses, Ritual as Action. 

Exploring the in depth subject of struggle and liberatory peace work at the intersection of Israel and Palestine. Through the lens of liberation as a mindfulness practice of collaborative artistic vision. Welcoming Faryn a Rabbi and professor who teaches on the subject of Israel and Palestinian peace and liberation work. And Christina a Palestinian who does art projects of collaborative dreaming around a peaceful future. The two come together to have an emergent dialogue on the subject of peace in a region near and dear to their personal heritage and sense of responsive connection. Engage on this heart aching topic in ways that bring you tearful release. 

This next one had me singing by the end. Check out some of our soulful content by joining Becoming Good Ancestors by Larkin Flora, a Masters in Social Change scholar and interfaith chaplain, committed to untangling the threads of colonialism and white supremacy. This workshop takes you on a somatic and deep internal inquiry.

What is an ancestor? Is it simply those in our past generation, either familial or connected to another lineage, that guide our current paths in life? Ancestors do inform our experience from the foundation they set for the who and what that we are and do in the present moment. But it's all about perspective. You are an ancestor for all who come after you. Check out Larkin’s storytelling workshop for becoming good ancestors which helps you do the active hope inspiring work of formation to better envision and co-create a thriving future. This workshop in the words of Adrienne Marie Brown is “A time travel exercise of the heart.” With a deconstruction of perfectionism focus this workshop utilizes guided visualization meditations, thoughtful storytelling prompts, somatic practices, and other processes to explore this form of becoming.

Fuse Theatre proudly presents Social Presencing as offered by Manuela Bosch. Get supported with guidance on Social Presencing, the life work of artist dancer and activist Ariana Hayashi formed in collaboration with systems thinker Otto Sharma. The Workshop on this social art form is offered by Manuela Bosch for our audience. Presencing stands for a presence both towards a vertical connection with the earth and the above, and a 360 connection with all around us. A means to tap into your social field while remaining centered within yourself. Check out this workshop for deep somatic conditioning and mindful redirection of attention. 

Stay tuned for Community Connections - Part 2….

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